Each year, the Americans In Wartime Museum holds an open house event at their restoration facility near Nokesville, VA. This venue serves as a patriotic showcase for the efforts of the Museum and private citizens who seek to preserve the heritage of the American fighting man. The two day Open House provides the public access to the collected vehicles, guns, uniforms and other hardware as used by the US and other countries’ armies when waging war. Besides the static displays, there are demonstrations of running vehicles, tactics and honorariums for the veterans in attendance. This year, six members of our local modeling fraternity took the roughly two hour road trip to the ‘Tank Farm’ to experience Saturday’s events. We enjoyed the enthusiastic vehicle restorers and reenactors who had spent the previous days preparing for the event, camping out overnight at the farm so they could get everything done. One very poignant moment was when veteran WWII tank destroyer crewmen were honored next to a restored M18 Hellcat. This gallery shows some of the day’s activities, including the flamethrower demonstration, for your enjoyment. Also, look in the Walk-Arounds section for further detailed posts on some of the vehicles present. Hope to see you next year when the Museum should be in brand spanking new facilities!
- Main thoroughfare at the Farm.
- Beautiful day at the Tank Farm
- “Unsuspecting” USMC fire squad advances in enemy territory.
- Fire squad members show authentic action.
- 30 caliber MG squad demonstrated how it was done.
- View of the flame thrower in action
- More flame thrower – really hot!
- Yup, flame thrower again
- Squad support with the ‘big gun’.
- Playing with a Dingo
- Fox Recon armored car
- Dingo scout car in action
- Dingo being fast
- Crocodile awaiting restoration.
- Clint taking some pictures
- Clint and Jack discuss the quality of the BBQ
- BTR-152 armored car
- Bivouac set up provides some shade
- Another view of the bivouac area.
- More tenting
- There was an Abbot SPA vehicle (two actually.)
- Two of many jeeps present.
- Truck park was packed.
- Truck park showed a lot of variety.
- As did the “tank park”…
- T34 lurking in the bush.
- T34 moving at a good clip
- T34 shows how it worked on the steppes.
- Spartan APC looked familar
- Scout car tactics were demonstrated.
- Pz61 Swedish tank churned up the dirt (no, not a Patton)
- Good looking tank.
- PT76 showed more modern Russian tactics.
- POW’s on parade.
- Bren Carrier joins a Dingo
- Pack of Dingos, eh?
- M24 “light” tank
- Lee had some mechanical issues but still got it done.
- Not quite a Sherman
- M50 ‘Super Sherman’ sleeping in the barn.
- Humber Scout in action
- Hellcat Tank Destroyer came out to honor TD vets from WWII.
- Hellcat crew visit an old friend
- These vets were honored for their service.
- Greyhound armored car