Here’s a selection of photos of the models brought for show and tell at the May meeting…

Kevin Farris’ Black Widow is almost finished. His weathering was impeccable, of course.

Brian Nerino brought a PT boat, a sub, an F-111 and a motorcycle to the club May show-and-tell.

A resin inflatable boat by Ken Patrick.

Ken Patrick’s Afrika Korps transport vehicle in 1:72 scale.

Gordon Geiger’s fantasy jet sled.

Dennis Tennant’s German Pak 40 anti-tank gun. It won a silver medal at the recent AMPS convention in Atlanta.

Mike Schine’s impressive XB-70 Valkyrie took up a lot of table space.

Detail shot of Mike Schine’s XB-70’s nose and cockpit.

A scratchbuilt spaceship by Ed Rose.

Ed Rose’s Warhammer figure and structure.

A collection of scratchbuilt spaceships by Ed Rose. A teeny-tiny Star Trek shuttle rests on top of the paint bottle