Kevin Farris demonstrated airbrush weathering at the May meeting. (Note the official Demo Observer’s Position used by the two members in the background.)
The meeting began on time with 16 members in attendance.
A report on the Fairfax NOVA model show was given by Robert Beach. Check the most recent posts on this Web site for a photo gallery and complete report.
In old business, the club approved a motion to sponsor one trophy pack in this year’s IPMS/USA national convention in Colorado. The price is $85 and will be paid with club funds. A discussion began about the status of the 2014 convention as well as their claim to be the official 50th convention.
Bill Wesley brought up the concept of having a HRSM table at the 2014 convention. He feels it would be a way to get the word out about our club and grow our membership. Other ideas for improving our exposure in the area were also pitched including renting a billboard, having a short tv spot promoting the club and continuing to have build days at local hobby shops like Hobby Town.
Gordon Geiger made a motion to table the discussion for a future meeting. Motion was seconded. Ed Rose mentioned that former member Ed Hubbart sent a note reminding us of possible vacation bible school conflicts with our meeting venue for June. This was checked out and, thankfully, this year’s VBS session will be in July and will not interfere with either meeting. Plus, Ed Hubbart will be in town for the June meeting!
There was a short pause while Kevin Farris set up for his lively demo on airbrush painting and weathering techniques. A well-populated Show-and-Tell session followed. The meeting was adjourned and interested (and hungry) members met at Reginella‘s around the corner for dinner and post-meeting discussion.