
Hunting for something like a kit, book or tool to help with your modeling?  Ask for help finding it here.  Recommend no email addresses or phone numbers unless you want to forego any security protections!

14 Responses to Wants

  1. James Cherry says:

    I have a big box of old model kits some built, some partial, some unbuilt, some broken and I’d like to give them to someone that can use/repurpose them in the hobby rather than throwing them in the dumpster. Is anyone interested?

    • RBeach says:

      James, if you live in the Virginia Beach area, you are welcome to bring the box to a club meeting or alternatively, contact us through the email address on the ‘club schedule’ page (secretary@hamptonroadsscalemodelers.com). Thank you!

  2. Attila Almasi says:

    I am looking after a vacform kit from Formaplane (Lohner C.I. in 1/72) and a resin kit from SEM Models (Fiat G.12T in 1/72)

  3. Tim Dishaw says:

    For someone like myself who has no skill but would like a particular model built, how do I ‘commission’ someone for something like that? I have NO idea on how to ‘vet’ someone for that kind of job.

    • RBeach says:

      Tim, I have been considering how to advise you about vetting someone to take on a build commission since I have myself done a commission model and unlike other situations where you are paying for someone to do work, there are very few ‘professional’ modelers. Most modelers you’d find will be amateur hobbyists who may be able to provide demonstration of their work akin to a portfolio, if you get so far as to discussing the possibility with them. However, building for oneself is entirely different than building for someone else and perhaps to a deadline. Most non-modelers would be shocked at the amount of effort and time expended on some models which of course, if broken down to a ‘by the hour’ charge, would result in a steep cost. So, beyond looking at someone’s results and then considering the cost, the main issue is finding someone willing to take on a build as a ‘job’.
      Our club has at least one member who builds ‘wargaming’ armies for others on commission and he may be able to offer some further information. You will need to be able to state the scope of the work up front just to begin… most of our members, for example, build static models so animation, lights, sound or motorized models are outside our norm.
      There is one professional modeler right in VA Beach however I do not know if he is retired from the work or not, but David Merriman might provide some advice. I can pass your request along to him once you state what is you want built.
      One other possible option is to join on some modeling forums such as FineScale Modeler, Hyperscale and Replica Props Forum (RPF) to inquire about your project.
      Hope this helps!

      • Tim Dishaw says:

        How about an update?! Talk about full circle, and here we are again…almost 3 years later. So I took your advice, did my research and found a ‘reputable’ builder out in Colorado to do my job (a ‘Seaview’ submarine). I laid out the specifics, made sure everything was agreeable, and paid the retainer. After the agreed upon time of one-year had passed, it was obvious that nothing was getting done. So ‘props’ to the guy as he did apologize and refunded me my fee. Sadly though, still no Seaview. Thanks for the assist, take care.

        • RBeach says:

          I am sad to hear you’ve not had more luck finding a builder. It seems to be harder than finding a good primary care doctor to find an on-spec builder. As you didn’t come back with the specifics of your project, I was unable to refer it to David Merriman who, as a submarine builder would have even perhaps been a candidate himself. If you feel you wish to share the details of what you want to have build, that might help with finding someone to take it on.
          Best wishes! Cheers!

  4. Ed Ferguson says:

    does anyone in this group live Near quantico?

    • RBeach says:

      Mr. Ferguson, I don’t believe we have any members that live near Quantico. There are a couple of Washington, DC area chapters of IPMS/USA that would be closer. Contact information for all Chapters may be found on the IPMS/USA website.
      I hope this helps!
      Regards, Robert

  5. Kris says:

    I have a friend who is interested in selling a large modeling kit collection in the near future. Do you know of anyone who might be interested?

  6. When I was stationed in Diego Garcia in 2006, I would always looked forward to Sunday afternoons (after church services) with the Modeler’s Club they had at the Chapel in the Palms. Somehow they had a collection of scale models that were being replenished often and I thought it was very thoughtful of the donations we received in order to have something to choose from when deciding to build a new model. I’m now stationed at Quantico, VA and am considering offering a modelers club to the Marines here at the Base Chapel on base. I’m hoping that with enough support in the modelers community that we can begin and continue to replenish the Marines who are normally stuck in their rooms with modeling kits or any modelers community in the Virginia area who would like to provide support with donated kits for this cause. If anyone would be interested in assisting with starting us out please let me know. Thank you in advance.

  7. Michael Nerino says:

    Need some recommendations on paint colors for my 1/72 A6M2 Japanese Navy Fighter. Preferably Modelmaster enamel, but I can convert.

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