Here are a selection of photos from our July show-and-tell:
- John Nugent shared recent purchases of 1:350 scale ship kits
- Joe Montes shows off his latest works (guess that includes the young-un’ too!)
- Joe’s tiny SAS Jeep conversion
- Joe Montes’ 1:72 6×6 Dodge truck
- 1:72 scale works in progress by Joe Montes
- Close-up of Joe’s Sherman & M3
- John Muldoon had an HO gauge Roundhouse railroad craftsman kit on display
- Instructions to John Muldoon’s scale locomotive roundhouse was mostly text – old school!
- “Gory” interior for Ed Rose’s Warhammer commission build – human computer.
- More progress on Ed Rose’s huge resin ‘walker’ Warhammer piece
- John Allen brought in an example of a 1:144 printed model (HP O-400)
- Jim Hassler’s 1:72 P-26 ‘Peashooter’ made from a vintage Revell kit & a Starfighter Decals update set
- Ken Patrick showed off a shiny vehicle from the ‘Speed Racer’ storyline – note the saws
- Very cool “surfer” van finished by Ken Patrick
- Ken shows his love of subs again with a Typhoon model
- View of the meeting crowd during the business discussion
- Polycrylic said to be a good clear coat
- Reusable mold material heats in the microwave
- Skip demos how to remove a part from the reusable mold material
- Ken Patrick looks over Skip Paetz’s latest works
- Overview of Skip’s show and tell items
- Progress on Skip’s P-38 Anything Goes contest entry – looking very Star Wars!
- Small scale Albatross was not Skip’s favorite building experience
- Skip advised that Silly Putty used as a mask shouldn’t be allowed any warmth!
- Wiley’s 1:48 Monogram B-25J was nearly finished
- Wiley Williams’ depiction of a US-captured German 251 halftrack
- ‘Forever Glass’ sanding file recommended as a great tool by Wiley
- Bob Bradford shows off his finished 1:72 Heller Vampire model
- Closeup of Andrew’s Arizona model. Deck planking is noteworthy.
- Andrew Payne shows off a couple of new projects: Arizona and an A-6 Intruder
- Club meeting ’round table’ is actually ‘rectangular’