This set of images provides a detailed walkaround of the the HH-2D airframe held at the American Helicopter Museum in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Many of the images include a ruler for sizing purposes with multiple views & closeups, useful as modeling reference. The condition of this specimen is pretty rough but appears to be mostly original (aka ‘unrestored’) so keep this in mind when modeling. It is more complete than the SH-2F gate guard example in the SH-2F Walkaround post and since the HH-2 & SH-2 have a high degree of commonality, so using both will help provide most if not all detail coverage needed. (For those unfamiliar with the nautical terms, “starboard” is the right side, “port” is the left side – when facing forward.)

front view overall

overall frm frnt port

overall frm frnt

port overview

port fwd underside

port fwd fuse overview

port mid side upper overview

strbd aft fuse overview

strbd rear fuse overview

strbd mid fuse overview

strbd fuse overview fwd

strbd aft fuse blade cradle mount point

strbd aft fuse tail gear strut srvc panel & blade cradle mount

strbd aft fuse picket point tiedown shackle

static port

strbd hydra service panel above hardpoint

strbd grnding point

strbd fuse step kickplate

strbd fuel pressure point cont panel

strbd fueling ports

strbd pressure fueling port

strbd fueling port

port mid fuselage details

port side fuse overview

port mid fuse overview

port side tail rotor shaft cover latch pins

port side fuse blade cradle mount point

port cockpit door

port cabin door overview

port cabin door handle

port cockpit door aft track latch

Starboard door track latches

port cabin door artwork

belly hook n strbd gear strut lower pivot

underside radome side dims

port doppler antenna

underside antennas frm strbd

tail strut mount frm portside

tail wheel frm strbd fwd

underside radome rear dims

strbd tail overview frm frnt

strbd vert tail access panel

tail frm aft

strbd tailplane mount points

vert tail upper sect closeup

port tailplane upper surface

port tailplane strut upper mount

port tailplane strut lower mount

port tailplane fuselage mounts

tail rotor hub frm aft below

port nose underside details

port nose loud speaker

port under nose loud speaker

view through cockpit brow window frm strbd

nose underside overview

nose compartment latch

strbd nose

port windscreen wiper

forward nose

underside nose overview

strbd fwd gear fairing n hoist mast mount

center underside nose

strbd main gear frm side

strbd main gear wheels frm fwd

strbd main gear wheels frm above

strbd main gear outer wheel

strbd main gear leg aft details

strbd inner wheel details

strbd main gear inner wheel details

strbd main gear strut backside frm above

strbd gear drag strut footstep

strbd main gear strut closeup

strbd main gear strut dims

strbd main gear strut dims 2

strbd main gear retraction strut dims

strbd main gear mounts frm front

strbd main gear fuse connector

strbd main gear elec n hydra connections

strbd main gear leg switch detail

strbd main gear lower strut backside

strbd main gear backside closeup

strbd main gear mounts frm frnt side

strbd main gear comp strut data plate

port main gear strut data plate n switch

port main gear frm rear overview

port outer main gear wheel

port main gear step n elect connector

upper trans deck n rotor hub

strbd fwd upper fuse frm frnt

strbd eng nacelle aft underside drains closeup

strbd eng nacelle fwd underside n fire port

strbd aft eng nacelle side details

strbd eng nacelle aft underside drains

strbd eng nacelle frm below

strbd eng nacelle inner fwd

strbd eng nacelle exhaust n hinge

strbd eng nacelle running lite

port eng nacelle fwd upper n formation lite

port eng nacelle fwd underside

port eng nacelle fluid gauge sight

port eng nacelle fluid gauge sight closeup

strbd fwd doghouse details

strbd doghouse side decals

hoist fuse mount

hoist end pulley n hook

main rotor hub underside

main rotor blade servo flap

main rotor blade servo flap outer hinge

main rotor blade servo flap inner hinge

main rotor blade servo flap inner hinge 2

main rotor blade data plate near underside root

strbd hardpoint

strbd hardpoint n tank overview

strbd hardpoint n tank fwd frm frnt

Aux tank

Aux tank rack note safety push pin

Aux tank other end

port aux tank fwd w filler cap

port aux tank aft hardpoint connections
Excellent photos. Getting ready to build an HH-2D by converting the Airfix SH-2F. This is a great help. Thank you.
Hello my friends, I was HSL-31 1990 until decom. I was a instructor and when the school got decomed I was put in charged of the Flight Line. I remember this aircraft and have done many of D and T’s on it. I am glad it has not been destroyed.
I also made 3 west pac/ Indian Ocean cruises in HSL-37 prior to being assigned to HSL-31. 1985 to 1990.
Glad you enjoyed the gallery post, always good to hear from ex-Tookies!
I saw that bird many times on the Tarmac at Cubi Pt. During my three West Pacs with HSL-37 from 1980-1984. I always thought it was cool that my rag squadron had a predeployed Det in the PI. I had no clue about it when I was at North Island.
As a former Officer in Charge of HSL-31 Detachment Bravo, this was my aircraft. Thanks for all the great photos. 149031, aka ‘Shaka 14’ actually belongs to the National Naval Aviation Museum and is on loan to the American Helicopter Museum. The former ‘Bad Boys of Bravo’ have a not-so-secret ambition to get together and paint Shaka 14 because it’s a damn shame for it to have gotten to this state. These photos let me show the bubbas just what we would have ahead of us to get this done.
BTW, the SH-2F has no loudspeakers in the nose; they were removed to make room for more ASW mission avionics. When I had 149031 the loud hailer worked; we once wired a Walkman to the system and played the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark when coming in to land.